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Protect PC from - Ransomware virus 'WannaCry' plague | 'RansomWarn Program' | By Gls

Recently, We heard about the massive attack on the digital market with the computer virus named as 'WannaCry Ransomware Virus'. A Hacker or maybe a group of Hackers have released the WannaCry Virus on the internet - which has affected most of the major players of the game. And, The name of the Virus is given as WannaCry because the infected user will lose all of his personal work (Files get locked / Encrypted) And, They can't access them without decrypting them.

Protect PC from - Ransomware virus 'WannaCry' plague | 'RansomWarn Program' | By Yoran
The WannaCry Digital Plague!
And, this virus is spread in the digital world as a plague. Most of the Windows users have faced the problem of ransomware 'WannaCry Virus'. While the Linux Community Seems like - it is not affected at all. A Hacker came with the solution though. And, As we know...
'Prevention is Better than Cure'

Protect PC from - Ransomware virus 'WannaCry' plague | RansomWarn By Yoran

So, Keeping the problem in mind. Yoran (a good batch programmer) has created a solution for checking & Detecting the activities of the Ransomware virus in the background using the power of Batch Programming. This little initiative can be proved very effective in protecting your personal Data files. And, other sensitive Data can be saved from being encrypted.

Protect PC from - Ransomware virus 'WannaCry' plague | 'RansomWarn Program' | By Yoran

What is Ransomware 'WannaCry' Virus?

A Ransomware is a kind of computer virus - which hackers use to silently Encrypt the user's Hard Disk Data (Mainly text, Docs & other sensitive file formats) in the background. When the virus is Destroying the User's Data via encrypting it in the background. Most of the Users mainly don't even know about the problem they are in. Thus, Detection of such harmful programs is very important.

How Does RansomWarn Program Works?

You just need to start the program by simply Double Clicking on the Batch File (Download Link to RansomWarn By Yoran is Provided). And, it will create a simple text file in the background - And, Keep analyzing the changes in the text file. If any ransomware script is running in the background - it will try to change the text file. And, As soon as the changes will be detected by Ransomwarn Program. It notifies you via a Sound alert - And, Asks to reboot the PC as soon as possible. (to prevent more damage)

Protect PC from - Ransomware virus 'WannaCry' plague | 'RansomWarn Program' | By Yoran
Ransomware Locks Your Personal Work Files

Additional Remarks (From Yoran)

I saw much RansomWarn activity the last time so I decided to write this program to warn people when they are in danger (with a few false positives but nothing is perfect...) I reviewed it many times on My Youtube Channel (I am working on new reviews and also about this version but it is probably already up when you look there... (no self-promotion only extra help... ;) ) );

Wrapping Up the Article:

In the End, I just wanted to Say that - if you find any bug or want to give suggestions for improvement of the Program. You can leave a comment below in the comment field. We will try to help you out as soon as we can. Maybe the following video from Yoran will Help You in understanding the working and creation of the program. 

You can support TheBATeam by giving your precious feedback in the comment section below! If you want your application/plugin to be featured on our website then feel free to click the Your Work tab above. Thanks for your time!

VirusTotal verification for File Safety: Link

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